Friday, 14 August 2015

Recycled Timber Kitchen Counter, Drawers and Cupboard Doors

Image from, photo by Pernille Kaalund
Earlier this year I was designing a kitchen for a client using recycled timber for the kitchen counter and recycled painted timber for the cupboard and drawer fronts. If you wish to try this as a DIY project there are a few things to consider when sourcing the timber and designing your kitchen counter.

  • Avoid using timber that has lead paint on the surface.
  • Avoid timber that has been previously damaged by water.
  • Install a sink with a drainer to avoid wet dishes on the timber surface.
  • Use a food grade, non toxic, wax/oil sealer for the bench top.
  • Think about possible joint movement when using recycled timber.
  • Try to use recycled timber where possible. If you have to use new timber consider sourcing timber from a certified sustainable managed source.
Have fun,

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Recycled Roof Tile Lights

Found these recycled Spanish barel roof tiles in a Spainsh restaurant in Melbourne. Great idea converting these tiles into both pendant and wall lights.

Have fun